Monday, May 20, 2013

Loving Thyself

As you may (or most likely do not) know, May is National Masturbation Month.  While even we have no idea who started this and how much support it has within our industry, we DID at the least believe it to be a great topic to cover.  

Self service.  Self love.  Masturbation.  For one of the most popular and widely practiced sex acts it is arguably the one that comes with the most negative associations.  Many of us can recall that even from a young age we are taught, either directly or indirectly, that the act is shameful, embarrassing, or flat out wrong (morally or otherwise).  The topic is rarely covered in sex education despite being one of the first sexual experiences nearly every person will have.  Adults even often find discussing or sharing their masturbation habits or experiences to be uncomfortable at best, off limits at worst. 

Fortunately, masturbation is slowly coming out of the closet.  We are here to support it and state that self service is good service! 

Why is this?  Yes, you may have already heard that it is "healthy", but what does healthy masturbation mean?  First of all, as mentioned earlier, masturbation is often one of our first sexual experiences as everything needed for it is already present.  Thus, it introduces us to our sexual bits.  With relative ease it sets the blueprints for sexual arousal, what kinds of touch we enjoy, what fantasies we have, and what an orgasm is like.  It does all this in a pressure free environment with no partner to perform for or to fear judgement from.  With enough masturbatory repetitions clocked in, this all culminates in us being familiar with our bodies and able to let our future partners know what makes us tick sexually.  To echo other sexuality experts, how can we tell our lover how to please us if we don't even know ourselves?
In addition to laying a foundation to our sexual selves, taking some "me time" is a fantastic stress outlet and physical health booster.  Masturbation and orgasm (just like sex) engages the pleasure centers of the brain, releases endorphins and tension, dulls pain, relaxes mind and body, improves circulation, and gives us a moment away from it all.  These are health benefits countless Americans would pay good money to achieve and here it can all be had for free!  Long day?  Need a break?  Take the necessary minutes, add some privacy, and combine with you for the perfect anti-stress tonic!  There are also many other less studied health benefits that regular orgasms may contribute to.

So, help celebrate Masturbation Month by giving yourself a bit of extra attention!  Remember, at the least you will be healthier, happier, and more relaxed than you were before!  Of course, do remember that despite the benefits of masturbation there are definitely times and places best suited to the activity (the less prying eyes and chances of intrusion, the better!).

We know that self pleasure isn't as always as easy as flipping a light switch.  Have any questions about masturbation?  Like to add something besides your trusty hands to make it faster, better, different, or even possible?  Let us know!  We are always here to help (with information, of course). 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lubricants for the Ladies

This entry focuses on the growing group of lubricants being labeled specifically for female use.  You may have noticed these already, many of which are made by well known manufacturers (at least to us).  The manufacturers may be well known to us, but these particular products have admittedly caused us some confusion.  That isn't meaning the sort of confusion that we have no idea what the product is for, but confusion in how the product stands uniquely suited for its intended customers.  That or is it just a different bottle with the same contents?

To begin, let's examine the relationship between design and application of a personal lubricant.  There is no doubt that in setting about designing a product intended to end up in a woman's vagina that attention be paid to that unique environment.  As most people above the age of six know, a vagina is a body part that is exclusively female.  Comparatively, both sexes own mouths.   Clearly a toothpaste would have a unisex target market and design approach.  That is not to say men do not use lubricants, and they can and often do for masturbation.  Men are also often the other half of the sexual equation when a woman uses it.  However, the penis doesn't reside inside body and its skin is generally less sensitive than the tissues of a woman's vagina.  So, YES, it is absolutely important a personal lubricant be at the very least designed for female use.

This design focal point is where we started to arrive at our stated confusion.  As these lubricants labeled specifically for female use started to hit the market, our logical question was "If these are for female use, are all the other lubricants produced NOT intended for female use?"   Did the makers of these other lubricants never intend them to be placed in a vagina?  If so, for what other purpose would a personal lubricant be designed if not for a woman's (or any person's for that matter) most sensitive tissues and orifices?  There are indeed some lubricant companies that are rumored to have started with other uses in mind (ex: Astroglide) but we are positive enough years (a lot of them) have gone by that such makers are not sitting in a meeting shocked to learn people are and have been greasing their lovemaking with their product.  They know they are, and design them with that act in mind.

Deductive reasoning aside, the more black and white proof of what makes a lubricant different than another is primarily in its ingredients and, to a slightly lesser extent, the proportion of the ingredients.   We have made great efforts to research and verify what ingredients are in the female specific lubricants.  What have we discovered so far?  We've discovered that most have exactly the same ingredients as their "original" predecessors.  There may be some slight variations on the percent of each, but either that wasn't disclosed or doesn't make a difference. 

Our final conclusion is this... these products are no different from the original products and are great marketing ploys.  If you are woman, don't feel compelled to throw out your old formula in favor of the supposedly healthier option.  NOW WAIT!  Despite our conclusion, we acknowledge that lubricant use, like sex, is a very personal experience.  Therefor, if you used one of these lubricants and decided it is the best choice or superior to its predecessors, then please continue to use it.  This is not a recommendation to stop usage, merely to inform curious shoppers who have seen these products.  We at For the Love of It may not carry them but would never criticize a person who uses them and happily order them for our customers. 

Finally, labels aside, we encourage people to ask questions about lubricant ingredients.  Many people have found certain ones irritate their skin, and the vagina's are some the most sensitive tissues around.  It never hurts to be aware of what should or should not go up there, and everyone loves a healthy vagina. 

Have more questions about these?  Let us know!  Also, if a lubricant company representative or person of greater demonstrated knowledge reads this and can contribute or contradict, please do so! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hello everyone!  Welcome to the introductory blog entry!  It will be short and sweet, a brief "hello" before going on to the real topics.

First, why start a blog?  There a so very many out there, and it seems as if everyone has something to say or share.  So why bother to add our voice to the so many other bloggers asking for your viewing attention as even those covering the topic of sexuality are quite numerous.  Simply put, because we think we have useful and interesting to say!  We communicate what we can in person and via other internet outlets such as Facebook and our website.  A blog allows us to ellaborate further, delved a bit deeper, and cover more topics.  A very brief bio may help you understand better...

We are not extraordinary. We hold no degrees in psychology, medicine, or anthropology. We don't have extensive backgrounds in any facet of the adult industry, nor the reproductive health industry.  What we do have (besides being avid sex fans) is a our built-from-the-ground-up adult retail store, For the Love of It, now nearing its fifth year of business.  During that time we've spent countless hours discussing sex with our customers, each other, and those around us.  This is in addition to countless hours of researching, reading, and analyzing any piece of information related to sex... often going full circle back to discussion.  

Through this constant immersion and a strong desire to use quality information to help our customers we have developed a unique perspective on sex and sexuality.  We will use this blog to present some of what we've learned to our readers and customers in a practical way, hopefully spreading useful knowledge and maybe, just maybe changing some lives in positive way.   

To give you an idea of what to expect in the future, expect topics from all corners of sexuality.  That will include sex acts, sexual psychology, lifestyles, products, and attitudes.  We encourage questions, and they may very well become topics.  Thank you and happy reading!